Semyon Khanin (Latvia)
Semyon Khanin (known also as Alexander Zapol, 1970) is a poet writing in Russian, a translator of Latvian poetry into Russian, and editor of numerous poetry collections of Russian and Latvian poets. He was the compiler of the antology Latviešu/krievu dzeja. Latviešu dzejnieku krievu valodā rakstīti dzejoļi (Latvian/Russian poetry. Poems in Russian written by Latvian poets) and co-editor (together with Artūrs Punte) of the anthology Современная русская поэзия Латвии. 1985 – 2005 (Contemporary Russian Poetry in Latvia: 1985 – 2005). Khanin's poems have been translated into English, German, Italian, Czech, and Ukrainian as well as several other languages. He is one of the key members of the multimedia poetry project Orbita, which is a creative group of poets and artists whose works aim at creating a dialogue between various cultures and genres.