Home » 2003
This year we continued the cycle of four festivals linked to the elements, dedicating this second one to water. 144 participants (35 from abroad) took part in the festival on 1-6th October.
The theme of the conference was "Poetry and the Elements: Water." It was moderated by Mindaugas Kvietkauskas with the participation of Kornelijus Platelis, Sigitas Geda, Kęstutis Nastopka, Regimantas Tamošaitis, Genovaitė Dručkutė, Dalia Satkauskytė, Marijus Šidlauskas, Tomas Staniulis, and Mykolas Katkus.
We started the festival with a poetry reading featuring American poets Anthony McCann and Kerry Shawn Keys and German poet Lutz Seiler. That was held at the Writers' Club on Wednesday, October 1st. Readings by young poets took place on Thursday; they began with the musical-poetic program "Kantatos" with Dmitri Prigov (Russia) and Vladimir Tarasov.
This year's DPF was organized in collaboration with Vladimir Tarasov. In addition to the "Kantatos," we also presented two of his other musical-poetic projects. After the traditional Friday poetry readings, we had a night of poetry and jazz, ΠANTA PEI. We presented again Vladimir Tarasov's "Sonatina for Four Poets' Voices, Oboe, Contrabass and Percussion," with the participation of Gerardo Beltrán, Kerry Shawn Keys, Dmitri Prigov and Artūras Valionis, and we presented a new project by Gerardo Beltrán and Vladimir Tarasov, "Tango Té." The theme of the poetry readings organized by Laurynas Katkus and Ričardas Šileika was "journey."
On Saturday, we had a poetic morning in the pool of the sanatorium Belarus: "The Baltic and Other Seas." On Saturday afternoon, the traditional presentation of books published during the year took place together with chamber readings of poetry. In the evening, we had presentations of awards to laureates and competition winners and the concluding readings of poetry. The Jotvingiai Prize went to Vladas Braziūnas for his Lithuanian-French collection of verse "būtasis nebaigtinis/ imparfait" (Vilnius, 2003), his translation into Lithuanian of "Selected Poems" by Alicija Rybalko (Vilnius, 2003), and the compiling of a posthumous poetry collection by Raimondas Jonutis, "Aušra kambary be langų" (Dawn in the room without windows, Vilnius, 2003). The Prize for the Year's Debut went to Agnė Žagrakalytė for her first poetry collection "Išteku" (Wedding) (Vilnius, 2003). Afterwards there was a performance by French actor Michel de Maulne – "Poetry from the Water" – on Lake Druskonis, and the final night of poetry readings in the "Dainava" restaurant together with a concert by "Slam," a jazz group from Druskininkai.
Sunday evening we had readings by our guests from abroad at the "Broadway Pub" in Vilnius. Moderators were Kerry Shawn Keys and Erika Drungytė Readers included Sebastian Barker (Great Britain), Dirk Van Bastelaere (Belgium), Andrej Brvar (Slovenia), Hilary Davies (Great Britain), Agita Draguna (Latvia), Roy Eales (France, Brittany), Menna Elfyn (Wales), Dmitri Prigov (Russia), Willem M. Roggeman (Belgium), Eva Ström (Sweden), Bernez Tangi (France, Brittany), Sigurbjorg Thrastardottir (Iceland), and Inese Zandere (Latvia). Readings concluded with a concert by Julija Jačėnaitė's Jazz Trio. Informal readings at the Užupis Café took place on Monday.
The competition for one anonymous poem followed the usual order. Winners were Vladas Braziūnas, Dovilė Zelčiūtė, Laurynas Katkus, Donatas Petrošius, and Willem Roggeman (translated by Antanas Gailius). Winners of the anonymous poem competition on the theme of "water" were Vladas Braziūnas, Marius Abramavičius, and Lutz Seiler (translated by Laurynas Katkus). Winners of the humorous (anonymous) contest "Mermaids and Mermen" were Kornelijus Platelis, Dovilė Zelčiūtė, and Viktoras Rudžianskas.
Kornelijus Platelis
Translated by Jonas Zdanys