

The XIX International Literary Festival Druskininkai Poetic Fall took place on 3-8th October 2008. 112 poets, literary critics, and publishers took part in the event. Poems by our international guests were translated into Lithuanian and published in the annual anthology of the DPF:

Andrzej Dorobek (Poland), Germain Droogenbroodt (Belgium–Spain), Hans Eichhorn (Austria), Lena Eltang (Russia–Lithuania), Jonathan Garfinkel (Canada), Joseph Grikis (USA), Paul Hoover (USA), Abel Murcia (Spain), Irena Praitis (USA), Piotr Sommer (Poland), Matthew Sweeney's (Ireland) ir Krisztina Tóth (Hungary). Four Lithuanian poets were translated into English and published in the anthology: Arnas Ališauskas (translated by Ada Valaitis), Marius Burokas (by Medeine Tribinevičius), Stasys Jonauskas and Stasys Stacevičius (by Jonas Zdanys).

The festival traditionally started with the discussion: Poetry: Strolls in the Orbis Tertius or Steps Towards Reality? moderated by poet and public relations' expert Mykolas Katkus. People of different backgrounds took part in it: Daniel Vaarik (Estonia, public relations), Voldemaras Katkus (finance expert), Saulius Norvaišas (IT expert), Rimantė Budrytė-Kvietkauskienė (politology); poets – Kornelijus Platelis, Tomas Andriukonis, Joseph Grikis, Germain Droogenbroodt, Andrzej Dorobek, Paul Hoover and Irena Praitis.

Most of the traditional activities took place during the festival: two poetry readings of poets published in the anthology, the presentation of poetry books published during the year, the presentation of work by guests from abroad in Vilnius in St. Catherine's Church, and the post-festival evening in the Užupis Café. Friday night readings took place in Café Širdelė. They were organized like a reality show: young Lithuanian poets in one space, a certain international festival – in another space, and the rest of participants in the third one. All these spaces were joined by TV bridge. All participants were supposed to be sure that they are participating in the very reality, and others – just show.

The Saturday morning started with the performance of popular political satiric TV show from times of "Sąjūdis" The Cupboard Theatre in the Dainava Courtyard. One special event took place on Saturday afternoon. The International Translators' Network organized by DPF, "Books from Lithuania" and „Literature Across Frontiers" (Wales) took place in Druskininkai before the festival. Poets from different countries took part in it: Gokçenuras Ç (Turkey), Claudio Komartin (Romania), Tal Nitzan (Israel), Valter Hugo Main (Portugal), Jasuhiro Jocumoto (Japan–Germany), Lithuanians – Eugenijus Ališanka, Vladas Braziūnas, Vytas Dekšnys, Sonata Paliulytė. Results of four days work of these poets and translators were presented during the readings moderated by project managers Aušrinė Jonikaitė ir Alexandra Büchler.

The Yotvingiai Prize was awarded to Aidas Marčėnas for poetry collection „Šokiai" (Vilnius: Publishing house of the Lithuanian Writers' Union, 2008); The Young Yotvingian's Prize went to Dainius Gintalas for poetry collection „Boa" (Kaunas: Kitos knygos, 2007).

The anonymous Single Poem contest winners: I place – Indrė Meškėnaitė; II – Ilzė Butkutė; III – Sara Poisson (Rasa Čergelienė); IV – Hans Eichhorn (Austria; translated by Laurynas Katkus); V – Vytautas Kaziela. Winners of the competition "A poem by an Other" (for a poem in style of other poet): I place – Artūras Valionis (as Gintaras Grajauskas); II – Gražina Viktorija Petrošienė (as Viktoras Rudžianskas); III – Gvidas Latakas (as Gintaras Patackas). Winners of parody poem contest were only two: Kerry Shawn Keys (translated by Sonata Paliulytė), and Andrius Mosiejus.

More in this category: « 2009 2007 »



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