19 September 2019
VERSOPOLIS: Where and How Does Poetry Reside?
Ramunė Brundzaitė concluded this season of Lithuanian poetry for the festivals of VERSOPOLIS this August with her readings in the Slovenian festival "Dnevi poezije in vina" (Days of Poetry and Wine). For us, this year has been especially vivid: in May, the poet Indrė Valantinaitė participated in the Croatian festival "Goranovo proljeće" (Goran’s Spring) and was also invited to the United Kingdom to attend the Ledbury Poetry Festival. In April, the poet Agnė Žagrakalytė visited our neighbors in Gdansk and took part in the festival "Odnalezione w tłumaczeniu" (Found in Translation).
Even though this year marks the end of readings that took place throughout the VERSOPOLIS festivals, during which poetry was read in Lithuanian as well, the poetry of VERSOPOLIS is nowhere near its end. The Druskininkai Poetic Fall Festival, which will take place on October 2–7, will host four poets from the VERSOPOLIS network: Monika Herceg from Croatia (translated by Antanas A. Jonynas), Natalia Malek from Poland (translated by Vytas Dekšnys), Jacob Polley from the United Kingdom (translated by Dominykas Norkūnas), and Nyk de Vries from the Netherlands (translated by Dominykas Norkūnas). The poets will participate in the readings of VERSOPOLIS on Saturday in Druskininkai and on Sunday in Vilnius, during the festival’s closing evening. The main readings of the festival will be attented by the VERSOPOLIS poet Greta Ambrazaitė, the Young Yotvingian of 2018.
On the platform’s website versopolis.com, the week leading up to the festival will be devoted to texts about Lithuania: five days – five texts. All of these texts will be made available in Lithuanian on the festival’s website pdr.lt. Marius Burokas – poet, translator, editor-in-chief of the online magazine vilniusreview.lt, and one of the main persons behind the Druskininkai Poetic Fall festival – will be the editor of this Lithuanian week; he, along with poet and translator Vytas Dekšnys, have been for several years now responsible for compiling the annual Druskininkai Poetic Fall Almanach. We cordially invite our readers to the almanach launch that will take place on October 2, 18:00 in the bar Paviljonas, 21B Pylimo Street, Vilnius.
In December, organizers of all the partner festivals of the platform VERSOPOLIS will visit Lithuania from a total of fifteen European countries.
The main sponsors of the festival and the platform VERSOPOLIS are the Lithuanian Council for Culture and Creative Europe, an European Union Commission program.
For more information, visit www.versopolis.com
The festival program can be viewed at http://pdr.lt/lt/festival/program