XXXV International Literary Festival Druskininkai Poetic Fall 2024

The World - Matrix or Metaphor?



October 2, Wednesday

18.00 Presentation of the Druskininkai Poetic Fall Almanach hosted by Vytas Dekšnys and Rimas Užgiris.
Vilnius Literary House, 11 Šv. Jono St., Vilnius.


October 3, Thursday

16.30 Foreign guests depart to Druskininkai from the Lithuanian Writers Union, 6 K. Sirvydo St.


October 4, Friday

09.00 - 11.00
Meetings with schoolchildren in Druskininkai schools.
11.00 Festival participant registration in Druskininkai.
Dainava center, 22 Maironio St.
13.45 Opening of the festival.
The Druskininkai Poetic Fall flag raising ceremony near the ex-Širdelė café.
14.00 “The World - Matrix or Metaphor?”– a discussion moderated by Dalius Jonkus.
Dainava center, Aušrinė Hall. Simultaneous translation.
16.00 Coffee break.
Opening of Alis Balbierius‘ photo exhibition from “Rusting World”.
Dainava center, lobby of the Aušrinė Hall.
16.30 A presentation of poetry books published over the past year.
Dainava center, Saulė hall.
The publishing houses will be presenting and selling their books.
19.00 Poetry Evening. Dainava center, Aušrinė Hall.
Hosted by Kornelijus Platelis and Diana Paklonskaitė.
Featured poets: Elo Viiding (Estonia), Iya Kiva (Ukraine), Raphael Urweider (Switzerland), J.C. Todd (USA), Gintaras Bleizgys (Lithuania), Maria Sevilla Paris (Catalonia), Birutė Grašytė-Black (Lithunia), Anna Rancāne (Latvia).
21.30 A Poetic Night: readings of the young poets.
Hosted by Greta Ambrazaitė and Dominykas Norkūnas.
Bar “Cantina“, 33 V. Kudirkos St.
23.00 Open Mic hosted by Donatas Petrošius.
Bar “Cantina“, 33 V. Kudirkos St.
00.00 Secret Readings



October 5 , Saturday

11.00 Readings of Two Poems – one’s own and the most favorite by another poet.
Hosted by Ričardas Šileika.
V. K. Jonynas Gallery. 9 Turistų St. (no translation provided).
14.00 Readings featuring poets from the project VERSOPOLIS, part of the EU program “Creative Europe.”
Hosted by Kotryna Pranckūnaitė.
Featured poets: Dagmara Kraus (Germany) ir Paata Shamugia (Georgia).
Dainava center, Saulė hall.
15.00 Young poetry: discussion.
Dainava center, Perkūnas Hall (no translation provided).
16.00 Afternoon of Poetry.
Hosted by Dainius Dirgėla.
Dainava center, Saulė hall.
Featured poets: Jolanta Sereikaitė (Lithuania), Rimantas Kmita (Lithuania), Malachi Black (USA), Austėja Jakas (Lithuania), Alis Balbierius (Lithuania), Anna Halberstadt (USA), Mindaugas Valiukas (Lithuania), Kerry Shawn Keys (Lithuania).
19.00 Festivities and closing poetry evening hosted by Birutė Grašytė-Black and Malachi Black
Dainava center, Aušrinė Hall.
Featured poets: Marcin Mokry (Poland), Diana Paklonskaitė (Lithuania), Arnas Ališauskas (Lithuania), Tom Sleigh (USA), Jurgita Jasponytė (Lithuania), Rimvydas Stankevičius (Lithuania).
21.00 Poetic Auction hosted by Agnė Žagrakalytė.
Dainava center, restaurant „Nakviša“.
23.00 Stankoteka: dancing party, hosted by poet Vytautas Stankus.
Bar “Cantina“, 33 V. Kudirka St..



October 6, Sunday

11.00 Bus carrying the festival participants to Vilnius departing from the Dainava center.
18.00 An evening of poetry.
Poetry readings by the festival laureates, international guests.
MO Museum, 17 Pylimo St., Vilnius.
Hosted by Rūta Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė and Rimas Užgiris.



October 9, Wednesday

18.00 J. C. Todd (USA) bilingual poetry collection "What Kept Me Awake?/ Kas neleido užmigti?" presentation at Vilnius Literary House, 11 Šv. Jono St., Vilnius.
Featured: J. C Todd, translator Marius Burokas and others.


Anonymous contest

Single poem contest;
Single poem contest under the topic “no metaphors please”;
Humorous poem contest under the topic “In the matrix we trust”.




Lietuvos kultūros taryba
Lietuvos Respublikos kutūros ministerija
EU: Creative Europe